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About Us

Jeanette Zocco is a leader in perinatal quality and safety, with 25 years of experience in obstetrics in the hospital setting. She has worked as a bedside nurse, a charge nurse, a clinical nurse leader, a perinatal safety nurse, and a quality improvement performance specialist. Currently, she is working as a healthcare system perinatal patient safety program manager. Jeanette is known for developing innovative perinatal quality and safety programs in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. Her programs have demonstrated improved maternal and neonatal safety outcomes. 


Her areas of expertise include: data analysis, quality improvement, patient safety, nursing education, clinical research, medical record chronology preparation, project management, multidisciplinary simulation, labor and delivery, TeamSTEPPS, and fetal heart monitoring education. Some examples of quality improvement initiatives include the following programs: safe reduction in primary cesarean delivery, obstetric hemorrhage safety bundle, shoulder dystocia team response program, prevention of retained surgical items, multidisciplinary placenta accreta program, and TeamSTEPPS. Her experience includes both intrahospital and system-level perinatal quality and safety work in several large multi-institutional healthcare delivery systems.  


Jeanette holds NCC certifications in inpatient obstetrics, fetal heart monitoring, and obstetric and neonatal quality and safety. In addition, she is certified in simulation through Drexel University. 

Jeanette Zocco


To elevate nursing practice, promote safe care, and ultimately facilitate improved outcomes for birthing parents and newborns through education and advocacy. 

Maternal Newborn

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