Perinatal Quality and Safety Resources

Studying for the Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (C-ONQS) Exam?
Or do you want to learn more about obstetric and neonatal quality and safety?
You're in the right place!
Elevating Practice/Empowering Nurses/Improving Outcomes
Supporting nurses who are:
Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (ONQS) exam candidates
Perinatal Nurse Leaders
Bedside nurses specializing in labor and delivery, mother baby, and neonatal care
Nursing clinical faculty
New and seasoned nurses
Providing quality and safety resource information that is:
Easy to read
Applicable to real life with case examples and practical tips
Empowering nurses by supplying education, tools and resources to bring effective change to the bedside
Here’s everything you need in one place- We’ve done the work for you!
You no longer have to search through countless websites, articles and books to find the answers you need
Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (C-ONQS) Study Guide: A Practical Resource for Perinatal Nurses- has everything you need to study for the ONQS exam and support perinatal quality and safety in your workplace
Monthly newsletter- have information delivered directly to your inbox
What's different about this information? It's written through the lens of an insider and offers case examples to bring the content to life, along with practical tips and suggestions.
As a next step, be in the know! Join the email group to receive articles and other helpful materials on a regular basis. This may include links to recent podcast discussions, speaking engagements, and other resource information. Feedback is encouraged in order to better understand and meet your needs.

Jessica Bancroft-Davis
Perinatal Safety Nurse
The C-ONQS Study Guide is a must have reference for all Labor and Delivery & Maternity nursing units. Not just a review for the ONQS certification… but an ongoing reference tool for anyone looking to positively improve patient safety and quality, especially perinatal safety programs, and perinatal safety nurses like myself. The patient examples the author uses add clarity and context to her comprehensive review of obstetric safety.

Angie Wise
Thank you for sending out the very helpful weekly emails for C-ONQS prep. Not only do I find them extremely useful, but quite interesting reading as well!!! Your articles really helped me put a realistic and applicable eye on things, I can use your information in real-time. They were in depth enough to understand, yet, not so lengthy that I couldn’t read and reread in a few minutes.

Vickie Aberbook
I have been so grateful and pleased with receiving articles from Jeanette for the last eleven months as I prepare and study for the Certification in Obstetrics and Neonatal Quality (C-ONQS) examination. During the last year I have received articles supplying information regarding every topic one would need to study as he/she gets ready for the test. I loved that the articles are short and succinct and elucidate the topics in an easy manner. So much better for me than having to study through different textbooks. I actually looked forward to getting the information every week! I just have to truly thank Jeanette for her endeavors and sharing her expertise.

Deanna Starr Williams
I work long hours as a Director in a Hospital setting and studying at the end of the day was hard sometimes due to fatigue and decreased attention span. I read through Jeanette’s OB-Neonatal Study Guide as a supplement to my C-ONQS review course. The articles are well written, easy to digest, interesting, and they explain concepts in a way that deepens your understanding. The OB Neonatal Study Guide helped me to focus on the key points that ultimately made my test taking process less stressful. I highly recommend this study guide not only for studying for the C-ONQS exam, but also for providing bite sized education that you can share with staff nurses to increase their knowledge of OB and Neonatal quality, ethics, and risk topics and how influential they are at the front line to improve them. Thank you!!